Nursing Ethics Network (NEN)
An Ethics Resource for Nurses
Advisory Board
The Advisory Board of the Nursing Ethics Network is composed of nurses representing a wide range of professional roles from the Northeast Region of the United States. Board members are charged with the responsibility of providing leadership and direction for the
Nursing Ethics Network.
Joan M. Riley, EdD, RN, Chair
Emmanuel College Department of Nursing
Dr. Joan Riley is Professor and Chair, Department of Nursing, Emmanuel College, Boston and serves on the Ethics Committee of Catholic Medical Center, Manchester, NH. She recently completed a fellowship in ethics at Harvard Medical School. Her research builds on two long-standing interests: leadership in nursing practice and ethical conflict in the workplace.
Margaret Mahoney, PhD, RN, CS
Northeastern University School of Nursing
Dr. Margaret Mahoney is an Assistant Professor in the School of Nursing and the Coordinator for the Graduate Community Health Specialization at Northeastern University. Her research interests in ethics include clinical decision making, family decisions at the end-of-life, provider decisions in violence intervention. She is a member of the Ethics Committee, East Boston Neighborhood Health Center, and Health Care Dimensions Hospice.. She co-chairs the Center for Ethics and Human Rights at the Massachusetts Nurses Association and is a member of the ANA center for Ethics and Human Rights.
Georgina Bru, MA, RN, CNA
Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center
Georgina Bru, RN, MA, CNA is Director of Nursing at the Children's Hospital at DHMC,
Lebanon, NH. Eight years ago, she instituted monthly Pediatric Ethics Presentations in collaboration with the
Ethics Institute at DHMC and sponsors an annual Pediatric Ethics Conference.
She is a member of the Ethics Committee at DHMC.
Judith Cronin, MA, RN
Health Care Dimensions
Judith Cronin is the admissions nurse for hospice at Healthcare Dimensions. This role encompasses working with the terminally ill and assisting them with decisions about end of life and palliative care. Also as a volunteer at the Dana Faber Cancer Institute she assists patients and families with these same issues.
Constance Donovan, MSN, RN, FAAN
Yale-New Haven Hospital
Constance Donovan, MSN, RN, CS, FAAN, Cancer Clinical Nurse Specialist at Yale, New Haven Hospital, is a member of the Yale-New Haven Hospital Bioethics Committee and chairperson of the Nursing Ethics Special Interest Group of the Division of Nursing. Ms. Donovan has taught ethics at Yale University School of Nursing and in continuing education programs.
Carol Gilbert, PhD, RN
National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission, Associate Director
Carol Gilbert, PhD, RN, is Associate Director at the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission, located in New York City. Dr. Gilbert is primarily interested in practice issues, the process of ethical decision making, and ethics education.
Pamela J. Grace, PhD, RN, ANP
Boston College School of Nursing
Pamela J. Grace, PhD, RN, ANP is Assistant Professor of Nursing At Boston College. She was born in the North of England where she received her initial nurse training. After relocating to the United States in 1974, she practiced primarily as a critical care nurse. She received educational degrees from West Virginia University and in 1998 earned a PhD in Philosophy with a concentration in medical ethics. Since 1989, she has been engaged in practice and teaching. Her ongoing professional interests include professional ethics, nursing ethics, ethics and the elderly, and advanced practice.
Rose M. Harvey, DNSc, RN
Rose M Harvey, DNSc, RN is project director for the TriService Nursing Research
Program funded project entitled: Development and Evaluation of the Military Nursing
Moral Distress Scale. The project is managed at Northeastern University School of
Nursing where she is an adjunct Associate Professor. Her professional
interests include patient decision-making, values/preferences, and health
related quality of life. She participated in research in these topics while
completing a postdoctoral fellowship in Health Services Research at the ENR
Memorial Veterans Affairs Hospital in Bedford, MA. She has served on the
Taxonomy Committee of the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association.
Ann Hurley, DNSc, RN, FAAN
ENRM VA Hospital
Ann C. Hurley DNSc, RN, FAAN is Associate Director, Education and Program
Evaluation, GRECC, Bedford VA Medical Center, Bedford, MA. She is also Adjunct
Associate Professor of Nursing, Northeastern University, Boston, MA. She has
researched the nursing role in the Advance Directive decision and is currently
funded to develop an instrument to measure moral distress in nurses during
crisis military deployment.
Sarah Moroney, MS, MTS, RN
Massachusetts Nurses Association
Sarah Moroney MS, MTS, RN is the Associate Director, Department of Nursing, Massachusetts Nurses Association. She coordinates ethical related events at the NNA, staffs the MNA Cabinet on Nursing Ethics, provides ethics consultation and guest lectures, and serves as a member of numerable Ethics Committees. She is a former Joseph P. Kennedy Fellow in Medical Ethics at Harvard Divinity School where she received a Masters Degree in Theological Studies with a concentration in ethics.
Leslie Nicoll, MBA, PhD, RN
University of Southern Maine
Leslie H. Nicoll MBA, PhD, RN is a Associate Research Professor, College of Nursing and Health Profession and
Senior Research Associate in the Edmund S. Muskie School of Public Service,
both at the University of Southern Maine. Dr. Nicoll is currently a consortium partner on
Community-State Partnerships in End of Life Care, funded by the
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Dr.
Nicoll is the Editor-in-Chief of Computers in Nursing, an international nursing
journal that focuses on computers, informatics, and technology. Her research
activities have focused on research utilization in clinical practice; and pain
and symptom management, especially as it relates to cancer pain and terminal
Peggy Plunkett, MSN, CS, ARRN,
Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center
Peggy Plunkett MSN, CS, ARNP, as a psychiatric liaison Clinical Nurse Specialist, has
20 years experience in counseling patients and/or their families with cancer,
after physical trauma (eg. motor-vehicle accidents, work related accidents),
and patients with other difficult medical and surgical diagnoses and
problems. She consults with the with
tertiary, acute care staff. She is a member of the Dartmouth-Hitchcock
Multidisciplinary Ethics Committee and was a member of the ANA Code for Nurses
Project Task Force.
Kandyce Powell, MSN, RN
Executive Director Maine Hospice Council
Kandyce Powell MSN, RN has over twenty years experience with hospice and palliative care issues. For the past four years, she has been the Executive Director of the Maine Hospice Council where she provided educational, technical and advocacy assistance for agencies, organizations and institutions interested in improving the quality of life for the dying and bereaved. Kandyce is a member of the NHO Legislative Committee as well as NHO's Task force on Access to Hospice Care by Minorities. She is a member of the Maine Bioethics Network and co-chairs the Maine Cancer Pain Initiative.
Barbara K. Redman, PhD, RN, FAAN
Dean and Professor, Wayne State University College of Nursing
Barbara K. Redman PhD, RN, FAAN has many years of experience in nursing administrative and leadership, and ethics and patient education. She has conducted nursing ethics research to identify the ethical conflicts of certified nurses (diabetes educators, nephrology nurses, pediatric NPs, and rehabilitation nurses) and is a prolific author of scholarly publications.
John Twomey, PhD, RN, PNP
Institute of Health Professions, MGH
John Twomey, PhD, RN, PNP is Chair of the Ethics and Human Rights Committee of the Rhode Island State Nurses' Association and is a member of the ANA Code for Nurses Project Task Force. Dr. Twomey is an assistant professor at the Institute for Health Professions atMassachusetts General Hospital and maintains a part-time clinical practice as a PNP at the Naval Hospital, Newport, RI.
Diane Uustal, MS, EdD, RN
Clinical Ethics, Educational Resources in HealthCare, Inc.
Diane Uustal, MS, EdD, RN is the founder and president of an educational consulting firm, Educational Resources in HealthCare, Inc. and is a nationally recognized educator, consultant and author. Dr. Uustal's interests include: care-based ethics, ethic of care, clinical/applied ethics, end- of-life decision making, women's health care issues, pain management/palliative care, and values in health care.
Please send us your interest profile information
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